Tuesday, 7 October 2008


Being a bean-counter my life consists of month-ends, quarter-ends and the dreaded year-end. The past week or so I had a double whammy: month-end AND quarter-end. So please excuse the lack of new and exciting fodder on this here blog, but at this point it's a miracle that I'm not locked in a padded room let alone able to harass the poor other half yet again.


Karin said...

Eish, arme jy. Ek sien Nick se rookgewoonte is nou weer in volle swang... Ek hou baie van daai tweede foto, sê vir die wederhelfte sy modeling skills is besig om te verbeter!

Unknown said...

Love the first shot!

Ann said...

Yay....roll ups, great stuff, lovely shots, hope work becomes a little easier from now on :-)

Firefly the Travel Guy said...

That padded room sounds like a nice cosy place. I can do with one. I am three projects down and the last one is 2 days away, so as soon as I think I have everything under control, WHAM!
Maybe I need a puff or two of that stuff. Crap, I don't smoke. Anybody got a drink...

Its Time to Live said...

Stiff upper lip!

Anonymous said...

what is that you smokin boy?