mmmmmm, so cameraclub was mmmmmmm. Not ONE word was said about my pics. Nothing, Nada, Niks. But I'm all over it so moving swiftly along.
It's month end AGAIN. I can no longer envisage a life without month end. Man, what it must be like to be able to book holidays during the first week of a month. To not get cold shivers, heart palpitations and a slightly gaga expression whenever the last day of the month approaches. It must be rather dull.
So my lovely, talented, but way to far away
sister has the blues. Don't think it's the dark blue bordering on black blues, but it's enough for me to think that some cheering up is called for. And after trawling through my libraries trying to find a suitably laughable pic of myself I decided these would most def put a smile on your face even if it doesn't make you fall on the floor in fits of laughter.
We are off skiing this weekend as early celebration of the other half's imminent birthday so I will endeavor to try and capture myself doing something suitably stupid if not downright ridiculous.
So schwester, every silver lining has a cloud, but luckily then the sun comes out and burns the living daylights out of it. Here's some pigs and now I'm going to go and have a glass of wine on you.