Saturday, 30 August 2008

Photohunt no 125: Beautiful

So how exactly does this qualify as being beautiful? Please permit me to explain. My most lovable other half has been smoking ever since he thought he was an adult without so much as a thought to the consequences being invincible and all...

This was until he met me and I politely objected to the fact the he had monstrous coughing fits most mornings, but being a social smoker myself I did not have much of a foot to stand on in terms of demanding an immediate halt to all things that had to be set on fire before they were of any use or relief.

So yes, it has been an uphill battle, but after finding some miracle drug which helps you quit he has been "clean" for almost 4 months. So this brings me back to my picture:

Isn't is just BEAUTIFUL that after giving up smoking for four whole months there he sits in the garden today smoking a cigar of all things???


Ann said...

I cant comment............I am one too......I dont know about where you are but, smoking is banned virtually everywhere in public in the UK, so I am a garden smoker, a group of my friends and I have taken on a big vegetable plot with a huge we can sneak off and have a glass of wine and a cigarette in the shed , haha they think we are growing veg !!Oh no, if they read this my guys will know where I am now !! lol...sssssssssshh

Unknown said...


Saskia said...

ai ek mis jou nou! inderdaad, pragtig man, pragtig. hoe de donder het jy hom oorreed om te quit in die eerste plek? ek is erg moerig en cranky vandag agv middernagtelike hoesbuie wat perfek getime is om my wakker te ruk nes ek begin sluimer. dis tyd vir drastic action...

Karin said...

Uh-oh - not a good sign... but great material for the post! Keep them coming, Nick!